Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blood pressure moments

It is now 11:00 am and already I have had several blood pressure moments. My internet isn't working optimally, so there can be no browsing. How this opened is a miracle! I guess it's thanks to Google Lite.
The internet has been AWOL for the past 2 days. Today it is limping back to some semblance of normalcy. Anyway, I have been trying to call every number to ask my service provider when I can expect to get back online, but ALL and I mean ALL the numbers I have are engaged. Never have I hated the engaged tone as I much as I do at this moment. The least they could have done is to leave a recorded message so the caller hears SOMETHING, but not in this country! No! Such a courtesy would not even strike them! It's frustrating and it's rude! That's why I have elevated BP today and must go off and listen to my meditation music. Must center myself again. By all :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Stop and smell...

For the last 3 days it has poured and poured. Rain drops as fat as over-sized beads have lashed my city. Stray dogs, cats and homeless humans have been hard hit to find a dry spot, but the rain has been a godsend for the flora . The dust of summer has been washed off and green in its true shades is all around for us to admire.
But in a busy city like Bombay does anyone have the time to stop and take it all in? I for one was a busy Metropolitan who rushed to and from and rarely stopped to smell the flowers. But as I've grown older, the fancy malls and the brightly lit shops have lost their sparkle. Instead, it's Nature that grabs my attention now. And in my observations I have identified some really wonderful trees that I had never noticed before.
I hope to learn how to upload pictures soon so that I can post the meantime, it's only words....