Sunday, October 31, 2010

So many Questions, too few answers

Why is it that I have to ask my sons 10 questions to get 1 answer? Is it that they think I am prying? They should know me better. I ask "Where are you going?". They reply: "To a friends' house." I ask "Which friend?" They say "In Bandra". Is that a proper reply to the question? Should I not ask? I ask:Why not? Isn't that what families do? And yet when I'm dressed up and ready to go out, I get the same questions from them! I think I'm going to try and match their answers...any one out there in the same situation?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Rock and A Hard Place

We've often been between AR and AHP, and so have I. But I have never felt the rocks poking into me and pushing me into a place that hurts the very marrow of my bones till recently.

When you are by nature nurtring and selfless the options are hard to absorb. When you put 'Me' ahead of another the pain goes deeper and yet the other choices are not the best.

So it is with heavy heart that I accept the Rocks and the Hard Place for the first and hopefully the last time

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Things I miss

I miss so many things but I gues every thing has a season and a reason....

My son's childhood
My close friendships that have seen their season
My dear dear friend Zap who I loved with every ounce of my being
My body being a cellulite-free zone
Conversations with my husband - the TV and other things have taken their place
Family that's scattered all over the globe -email and phone conversations just don't cut it!